Lead with Collaboration

Create teams whose members are included, challenge, question, solve problems, explore opportunities and orientated towards continuous learning and innovation to improve performance.

We will help your teams to feel psycologically safe and maximise the benefits of working cohesively. By using our 'Teaming with Purpose' team coaching and facilitation model and framework team members learn to understand the mindset shift required to collaborate and drive organisational success. When applied and taken on board this can have a profound effect on the way in which team members approach working relationships, create psychologically safe spaces and reach across boundaries.

A safe, inclusive 'teaming' working environment is essential in enabling everybody to feel included, learn, contribute and challenge.

Norton is accredited as a Licenced Psychological Safety Practitioner with The Fearless Organisation.

What we offer

Create engagement and integrate thinking

A tailored in-house action learning programme comprising half-day and one-day workshops and follow-up action planning

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Fostering a psychologically safe team environment

High performing teams are those that continuously learn and reflect high levels of trust. By developing a psychological safe team, the attitude to continuous learning is switched on and trust and collaborative can be created.

Norton will take you through a proven building block approach to foster psychological safety involving mentoring, an on-line questionnaire, and workshops.

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Collaboration to build a top-performing team: - a team coaching and facilitation program

Leadership teams have micro-climates which are either helpful or unhelpful in achieving their desired results.

We will co-design and deliver a team coaching and facilitation program, using our Teaming with Purpose model and framework, aimed at becoming a top performing team within a rich and cohesive team dynamic.

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Complex collaboration: Patnering across multiple teams.

Utilizing collectivr leadership to successfully leverage expertise.

Learning and working a collective leadership style which enables the successful contribution required to add value and maintain commitment across diverse project teams.

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On Purpose have been helping me to organize and sustain better teams for over 15 years. Norton and Lynn strike a great balance between concept & theory, and practical application where the rubber hits the road. In a complex and ever-changing world, the values that On Purpose promote are evergreen and help teams to be their best.

– Gary Archer

Need any further details, or just want to say hello?